Not having your anger under control can cause serious repercussions in your life. It can negatively affect your relationship with others, cause a lack of trust from others towards you, as well as portray yourself in a quite terrible light. Here are ways that can help you counter this issue and help you control it.
A time out. When you suddenly feel the urge to burst out in anger, take a moment right there, to calm down. Get your thoughts back together, and get your logical mind back. Wait a few moments, and then see how you feel. It's pretty much guaranteed that you will not feel as angry and you will be calmer.
Outlet to release your energy. Sometimes these anger bursts are a result of too much energy built up inside you. Therefore, do yourself a favor and do some activities, exercises, and the likes; it will help you release that extra energy built up inside, and it will also calm you down.
Learn to relax. Take time out of your day to relax, and let loose. Do something relaxing like yoga, or self hypnosis or meditation. Deep breathing, and visualization in these examples can tremendously help you overcome and control your anger. It's important to have a moment in your day where you unwind and clear your mind.
Think before speaking. Very often, you say things you don't mean when you're angry. And this leads to more anger, and a very bad habit of doing so. Therefore, learn to think in your mind what you want to say before you say it. You'll see that by taking a moment to think first, your words will be more cautiously chosen, and offend a lot less.
Forget about grudges. Learn not to hold grudges. They are energy consuming, and make you miserable. Learn to forgive and move on to bigger and better things. Your future and your goals do not need to suffer because of a grudge. So do not waste a thought on that, and move on to the next chapter of your life.
Don't be afraid to laugh sometimes. Incorporate laughter and humor in your life. When you see that life does not have to always be dead serious, you will realize that your time is better spent laughing and enjoying yourself then to walk around holding all that anger inside you.
Have your Anger Under Control
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