Saturday, April 11, 2015

Characteristics of successful marriage

Marital success refers to the quality of the marriage relationship measured in terms of stability and happiness. Researchers found that happily married men and women had certain characteristics.

*Intimacy/partner attachment
*Good communication skills and understanding
*Common interests/positive self-concept
*Not materialistic
*Role model
*Trust in the other person
*Personal and emotional commitment. They have emotional stability.
*Sexual satisfaction
*Equitable relationship
*Flexibility. The ability to accommodate change and make changes
*Marriage/connection rituals
*Absence of negative statements and attribution. A greater number of positive comments and expressions of affection, rather than negative comments and responses
*Economic security
*Physical health
*Psychological health
*The ability to be considerate and understanding of how you and other people feel
*Mutual support. The ability to react in support of how other people feel so that others feel supported
*Equal sharing of child care and household tasks
*Equal sharing in decision making
Characteristics of successful marriage

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