Mind in Action
Everything that we see is the result of mind in action. We all have a body and we have what is called a physical environment; we could have neither if it were a physical environment; we could have neither if it were not for mind.
The law implanted within us is, that we need nothing except ourselves and this creative mind to make anything; and just so far as we depend upon any condition, past, present or future, or upon any individual, we creating chaos because we are dealing with conditions and not the causes.
Every living soul is a law unto himself, but of this great truth few people are conscious.
It seems difficult for the race, which feels itself to be so limited, to comprehend the fact that there is a power that makes things directly out of itself, by simply becoming the thing that it makes, and that is does this by self knowing.
But we will not demonstrate until we see at least some of this, the greatest truth about life.
We should realize that we are dealing with the principle that is scientifically correct.
It will never fail us at any time but is eternally present.
We can approach the infinite mind with a depth of thought and understanding, knowing that it will respond, knowing that we are dealing with reality.
Mind in Action
The Evolution and Impact of Food Science
Food science is an interdisciplinary field that has played a crucial role
in shaping modern food production, safety, and distribution. Historically,
food p...