Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Inside Beauty

The Inside Beauty

What is Beauty? When we heard of the word beauty we immediately sink into a mind set where the physical or external beauty only matters. But ask the question whether you are beautiful inside of you. Your inside beauty-that is a healthy and happy mind set- depends on your mind, your thought process or simply saying your core value. As we cannot see the inside beauty it is measured through your smile, happiness, satisfaction, involvement, excitement and positive attitude.

All these measures help you to have a vibrant inner beauty. How? First they help you to have a healthy mind, thereby inducing your inner beauty. If one feels that he is healthy and happy it reflects automatically in his/her personality. All medicines and treatment will not help to cure a disease or ailment if the mind develops a fear psychosis. Belief and happiness is the best treatment.

Always feel happy, energetic, have high self-esteem and develop leadership qualities.
The light hearted people-taking everything lightly without getting tension and derives satisfaction and happiness in every thing they do-attract more people towards them. They may lack physical beauty, but their inner beauty-reflects through their smile mannerisms, body language, speech and approach-attract others.

All cosmetics and skin-care products will enhance the outer beauty only when the inner beauty blossoms within oneself. Feel healthy and happy in the inner core value and enhance your physical health and beauty. Know the secret that a healthy mind is the best immune system.
  • In a nutshell
  • Always smile
  • Always be excited
  • Always have positive mind frame
  • Get satisfaction even in small petty things you do
  • Always feel you have done something purposeful
  • Have high self-esteem (not ego)
  • Have pleasing colors, frames and posters with flowers and natural scenery around you.
  • Always feel young and energetic

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The Inside Beauty

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