Monday, September 01, 2008

How Yoga Benefit Our Body

How Yoga Benefit Our Body
One of the most rewarding aspects of yoga practice is discovering how mind and body can unite in a harmony of movement and coordination. We will open to new vistas of understanding about ourselves. While participating in many other forms of exercise, it is possible to allow our mid to wander. In yoga, our mental focus on the stretch, coordinated with deep and regular breathing, produces an internal and external unity that gradually increases with practice. This concentration eventually becomes a form of mental discipline that be applied to all phases of our life.

Yoga is extremely beneficial for anyone of any age. With continued practice of this versatile system of exercise, we can see results quickly because as we release tensions, we liberate our vast resources of energy.

Practicing yoga also promotes high levels of organic health. It can help us to keep a youthful bearing and outlook that radiate feelings every woman wants: energy, beauty and poise.

Yoga increases circulation and flexibility. Our spine provides the housing for the central and autonomic nervous systems, and thus our entire body benefits as our spine becomes to function with greater ease, and our muscles start to work more smoothly and efficiently.
How Yoga Benefit Our Body

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